Kartnova has a long been selected for a wide range of products, such as sanding of wood windows profiles.
Kartnova works in developing innovative solutions for sanding of wood surfaces and related products.
The constant technological research together with the evaluation of each single customer requirement, has led to the development of a range of products capable of providing an excellent solution to the wood sanding problems.
Kartnova designs and manufactures a range of machines dedicated to the use of sanding wheels for wooden profiles or derivatives.
The D 30 SERIES wheel sanding machines were designed for sanding of wood profiles and derivatives. They allow to perform sanding operations of any profile: straight or curved, flat or profiled, of any  shape or size. Thanks to versatility of the sanding machines and the effectiveness  of the sanding wheels, is possible to get a high final sanding quality in less time than that required with manual methods. .
D 30 VM2 - D 30 VE2 MODELS
- The main sanding unit is equipped with a sanding wheel speed setting system.
- The mechanical version goes from 250 up to 1400 rpm.
- The electronic version goes from 0 up to 1400 rpm.
- The secondary sanding unit is equipped with a electronic sanding wheel speed setting system (from 0 up to 1400 rpm).
- Equipped with a automatic blowing system.
- Is possible to use sanding wheels with diameters from 80 up to 300 mm.
D 30 VM2 - D 30 VE2 MODELS
Double shaft machine for small-sized elements
- The main sanding unit is equipped with a sanding wheel speed setting system.
- The mechanical version goes from 250 up to 1400 rpm.
- The electronic version goes from 0 up to 1400 rpm.
- The secondary sanding unit is equipped with a electronic sanding wheel speed setting system (from 0 up to 1400 rpm).
- Equipped with a automatic blowing system.
- Is possible to use sanding wheels with diameters from 80 up to 300 mm
Single shaft machines for small -sized elements.
- Equipped with a mechanical sanding wheel speed setting system (from 250 up to 1400 rpm)
- Equipped with a automatic blowing system.
- Is possible to use sanding wheels with diameters from 80 up to 260 mm.
Antis to resolve permanently the paint dust problem surfing the painting operations of mainly flat elements, such as furniture doors, shelves, doors, etc. Thanks to Antis is not necessary to protect with film masks or with the 'so-called' peeling paints the parts to protect from the paint dust.
The flat upper surface, on which slides a high resistance paper tape, guarantees a perfect contact with the elements placed on, preventing to the splashes of paint to reach the lower part of the element to paint; also with the sliding tape system with the delivery reel and take-up reel, the working surface is always protected by the wrapped by the clean tape, ready to put new elements to paint.
Thanks to its high autonomy given by the paper reel, Antis is able to make a free paint dust painting, with running costs and time significantly lower to those of most other systems.
Tape advancement system with pneumatic gear-motor unit.
The speed may vary by a mobile treadle.
-Turning surface with locking system
-Regulation of the tape tension system
-Surface area mm 1700x700
-Available on request in different sizes .
Antis can by used both manual and automatic coats . It's also possible to equipped the machine for the treatment of curved elements.
Antis works only pneumatically and do not require any electrical connection, in order to maximize the safety in the painting departments.
Easy to use thanks to the mobile command treadle and to the turning surface.
Sanding wheels
The rubber sanding wheels are able to provide excellent result in every single shaped surface, both rough or painted.
Their efficacy is guaranteed by our long experience in the sanding field.
The wheels may vary by hardness of the rubber, diameter and thickness. Is possible to add abrasives cloth of any grain.
The use of the sanding wheel may be extended to squaring machines, squaring-edgebanders, moulders, spindle moulder, drills, cnc working centers.
Sanding discs
The sanding discs represent the ultimate in wood sanding profiles.
It's compose by a plastic material support where a layer of rubber is apply. Thereafter the layer can be shaped according to the geometry of the profile to sand.
The disc is assembled between two metal flanges that increases the rigidity of all system and ensure maximum stability during the operations.
With the sanding discs there's no longer the problem of abrasive replacement. Take few seconds to replace the old disc with a new one.
Brushes in rugged cloth with a nylon filament support, for the finishing of shaped elements both rough of painted.
Available for the 100 up to 300 diameters , with variable length according to the application requested.
Brushes in tynex, specific to convert the resinous wood (yellow pine, pine, fir and similar) into rustic style wood.
Available for the 100 up to 300 diameters, with variable length according to the application requested.
Kartnova Srl - Via Villa Mattei, 65 - 62010 - Montecassiano - MC - P.Iva 01877180438 - REA: MC-189026 - Pec: kartnova@legalmail.it
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Finalità del documento
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Ai fini dei principi di trasparenza e di correttezza sanciti dal Codice della Privacy si configura una titolarità di trattamento appartenente direttamente alla ditta Kartnova Srl con sede legale in Montecassiano in Via Villa Mattei n.65 Il dominio è di proprietà dello stesso titolare a cui risulta regolarmente intestato. Privacy Policy
In questa pagina vengono descritte le modalità di gestione del sito riguardo il trattamento dei dati personali degli utenti che lo consultano. Si tratta di un ‘informativa che è resa ai sensi dell’art. 13 del D.lgs. 196/2003 - Codice di protezione in materia di dati personali - ed ogni successiva integrazione a coloro che interagiscono con il sito web della Kartnova Srl
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Il Titolare avrà cura di comunicare tempestivamente ogni aggiornamento attraverso la pubblicazione nella presente sezione del Sito, invitando quindi gli utenti a consultare periodicamente la Privacy Policy per accertarsi di consultare l’ultima versione pubblicata.
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